1. I think I am definitely more high schooler-ish. I'm starting to think about college and my life after school and what I want to do with my life. Other than that, it really doesn't feel different than how I started in August. I went through all of middle school in a High Tech school so coming into high school was basically just rising another grade level in the High Tech society.
2. I think that my most important skills in succeeding in Humanities is my ability to write well. This ability will help my bring more life to the papers I write, whether it be a writing such as a research paper or a creative writing from WEX.
3. One thing I would like to improve on this semester is getting my papers more often and by a bigger group of people. I will accomplish this goal by not only giving my papers to people in our grade level, but people in the 10th,11th, and 12th graders to proofread. I will also give my paper to people outside of the school, such as my parents and fencing friends.
4. The one thing that I would really like to learn about this semester is grammar and different writing mechanics. I think that learning more about grammar would really be beneficial to my writing because I will have a wider range of tools to use when I do write. I like how we have been keeping things like the writing concept of the week, it has really helped my writing. If we had even more tools, I think I could make my writing that much better.