For the sake of making this post not fill up your whole entire screen, I am just posting the links to the recipes instead. All of these recipes use our Cayenne Pepper herb, even if they are not listed in the recipe, they can be added to help spice up the salsa. The image above is a picture of the first recipe.
1.What is your name and your role here at the (farmers market, CSA, community garden)?
Micheal, Apprentice.
2.Why do you choose to shop here/garden here/support this CSA?
For the survival of civilization.
3.When did you first start coming here?
Today, I’m usually in the field farming the crops.
4.Do you garden at home? Why or why not?
Yes, I live on the farm where these plants are grown.
5.How did you find out about this place?
6.What would be your advice to get others to do what you do?
Just start planting.
7.How did you get involved in this (farmers market, CSA, community garden)?
8.Why did you get involved in this (farmers market, CSA, community garden)?
A continuation of my education(chef)
9.If you had the power to get more people involved, would you and why or why not?
I do and I am, civilization depends on it.
On an off note, the farmer gave me the website to his farm,and he told me that he encourages the public to come out and visit the farm. The website is
What struck you about the location you visited? Was it what you expected, or very different?
It struck me how many people are actually getting involved in farming locally. I knew that there was a community, but I did not know that the community was that large. There was a good eight or nine farmers at the farmers market in Hillcrest, which just makes me think how many there are at other locations like Ocean Beach.
Do you think you will start going to a farmers market more often? Or using a community garden? Or supporting a CSA?
I already do go to farmers markets, mostly on weekdays after school. They have extremely good food at the farmers market in OB, which is one of the main reason I go there, lol. But I also go there because the food is extremely fresh as well, fresher than the food we can get at Vons or another big box grocery store.
How do these locations fit into our essential questions of "Why Don't People Live More Sustainably?" and "How Can I Convince them to do So?"
These locations fit directly into those two questions because this is one, major reason that people live sustainably(cheaper and fresher foods that help stimulate the LLE). This also is a good way to help convince people to live sustainably because by showing people that growing the food locally, it helps the local economy and it is much fresher. This might convince people to start growing their own food locally instead of buying it from a big box grocery store.