Well, I chose a topic that concerns everyone no matter what party they are from, be it Republican, Democrat, Green, or Independent. I have chosen to write about the voting age. There is much controversy over what the legal voting age should be. Some say that 16 year olds could handle voting for themselves, as they a large percentage already do their own income taxes and have a job. Others say that 16 year olds are too young, some even say that 18 is too young, defending their decision by saying that they are still kids and they will only vote for the person that their parents want them to vote for.
I personally think that 16 year olds should be allowed to vote, if they are paying income tax, shouldn't they be able to vote on what that tax money is used for? Yes there is the obvious argument that 16 year olds are too young, which is why I don't think that all 16 year olds should be allowed to vote. I think that 16 year olds should have to complete a test that shows that they know why they are voting for a certain person, proving they are competent enough to vote. If they pass the test, than they should be registered votes. But as a 14 year old right now, I feel more than capable of voting for the person that I think would make the best decisions for this country.
But then there are the groups that say even 18 is too young. They think that kids are too immature, thinking about driving a fast car, or getting new shoes or a new outfit. A lot of people think that young people at that age have a clouded mind and do not know who or what to vote for. Another argument that they put out is that a very large percentage of young people are democrats, which would in turn weight elections toward the democratic candidate. But the problem with these theories is that it is a generalization of the population. There are 18 year olds that are much more mature for fast cars or flashy outfits. Another problem with the theory is that even though there are many young democrats, the life expectancy is much higher than it used to be. This means that the population of the older, more senior republicans is higher than what it used to be.
All in all, I think that 16 year olds should be allowed to vote. But in order to register to vote, they must prove that they are competent enough to vote, such as listing some reasons as why they are voting for who they chose, or why they are for/against proposition they are voting for.
I agree, 16-year-olds should be allowed to vote... But not all of them.
if you let a 16 year old vote the votes world be messed up because they have there own worries so there all ready unstable as it is and i thought really the electoral college votes only count kahli wooden
Thank You! Finally I read an article that doesn't take a side! I love how you keep your political views out of this issue. I would agree with your view that they should be allowed to vote, but for different reasons. #1 times are changing, and it's a fact. What was a 14 year old yesterday is now an 8 year old today. Every generation humans become more mature at an earlier age. It is simply hard for older voters to recognize this. There will be 16 year olds who can't make a good decision, but hello? Anyone could make an immature decision. That's age discrimination right there. I hate taking sides but this is one of those things where I feel like I have to. I can't give credit to people who say 16 year olds are immature, because anyone can be immature. After it was lowered to 18 from 21 just 30 years ago, I think it is time for it to be lowered again, and who knows? Maybe anyone, regardless of age, can vote in the future.
You explained how its a good thing for 16 year old to vote and also that it is a good thing for it to be 18 year old to vote so you were on both sides kinda... I like how you siad that some people say that its good for... because your giving examples of what other people say.
Not to sound like a downer but not ALL 16 year olds should be allowed to vote. Some of them should be allowed to vote becuase SOME are actually educated enough to put some though into a good vote
I agree 16 year old kids should be able to vote. However, just because they can vote doesn't always mean that they should.
What got my attention on your blog was that you weren't taking a side and that you gave examples of how 16 year olds should be able to vote and I agree, but their I disagree at the same time because not all 16 year olds are mature enough to vote.
dood i hate politics to be honest, well i hate talking to friends about politics, it just makes people hate each other for different views, so ya i chose topics that everyone can talk about with the same view.
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